We are ready to move beyond hypothetical technical demonstration and into innovative applications exploiting IoTCrawler functionalities. The IoT crawling framework has many advantages for both consumers and providers, from interoperability, distributed crawling, discovery, indexing, search to integration of the dynamic data and more.
The products described are exploiting these advantages in different domains within the Smart City, such as the home domain, traffic management, industry and health care.
Smart Home Device Management System
Increasing Energy Awareness in your Smart home by AGT International

The challenge
A Smart Home is a challenging IoT environment. Many different and heterogeneous devices need to be integrated and actions need to be taken in real-time. Smart homeowners want to understand their energy consumption, reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint.
Power users having more than 200 devices need a better overview and knowledge about their devices.
Home owners, Gateway vendors, Building managers, Electric utility companies, Cities.
The Solution
The GrowSmarter dashboard collects energy readings from smart meters and other devices and visualizes insights about real-time and historic energy consumption data. Using IoTCrawler’s semantic, AI-based annotation component, it categorizes devices automatically according to their type and detects appliances connected to smart plugs including locations, all in real-time.
Business potential
A monthly subscription could be considered.
The test users liked the automatic device detection feature and the insights about the frequency of device-use and also they highlighted the IoTCrawler functionality that enable them to better manage and organize large numbers of Smart Home devices.
Smart Parking
Solving traffic problems and providing game-changing parking by University of Murcia/ OdinSolutions

The challenge
Smart Parking aims at improving life in larger cities by alleviating traffic congestion, noise and pollution by providing drivers with a powerful tool to finding available parking spots that best fit their needs.
Drivers and parking providers both stand to benefit from this, as it enables effortless search of available parking spaces otherwise overlooked, according to constraints defined by the user. The benefits for vulnerable citizens are considerable too as solving traffic problems means creating a greener, more livable city.
Urban drivers, Parking site vendors, City Councils, Universities, Large enterprises and Fleet management.
The solution
The interface is a parking recommendation app, running innovative features refined over time in the city of Murcia. Today, security and privacy can be an issue, when the providers want control over what is shared and when, and also, how that information is accessed later by different parking solutions. This has been successfully addressed by the IoTCrawler architecture, providing a better and broader fit to the parking scenario, by introducing security through fine-detail policies that allow us to define how to – and who is allowed to – access or produce data. IoTCrawler’s ability to securely integrate diverse external data sources, enriching them and making them searchable makes Smart Parking possible.
Business potential
Other cities can benefit from SmartParking, implemented by parking providers it can make a service really stand apart. There is a potential also for sharing-economy approaches, making available parking otherwise reserved for private citizens during the day and for business in the evening.
Urban Data Missions
Explore the environmental state of your city by Aarhus Municipality

The Challenge
Urban Data Mission builds on the vision of having a global IoT search engine present, where citizens can freely navigate data from their city and about their city. The societal benefit of Urban Data Mission is aiming towards increasing data-litteracy for citizens and including them in a more democratic way into the development of the Smart City.
Tech oriented and “activistic” citizens are the target group. For the development stage of the solution high-schools have been addressed.
The city is the recipient of insights from the data collection and can use it as a means of better, democratic dialog with the citizens based on facts.
The Solution
Urban Data Mission is a citizen-science platform, which invites citizens on “data missions”, where they can learn more about the environmental condition of their city. The missions can be well-defined with specific tasks to carry out e.g. “Find a healthy route to your school” or more open, where citizens can explore the topic that interests them the most e.g. monitoring green areas of the city. To carry out the missions on the platform the citizens borrow a sensor-kit from the municipality, so they can carry out their own measurements. The Urban Data Mission platform also contains data from official environmental sensors of the city. This enables the citizens to compare and correlate data within the Urban Data Mission platform.
When carrying out the missions the citizens have an online mission log, where they can capture their own insights and observations e.g. “I think the reason for the high pollution levels in this area of the city is due to the many diesel-powered trucks driving by”. By connecting this to the IoTCrawler search-engine the citizens can find the relevant data sources and compare them to each other e.g. compare air-quality levels between two different neighborhoods in the city or even across different cities in EU.
Business Potential
Urban Data Mission offers the opportunity for educators and third parties to create and facilitate data missions or connected data literacy activities with citizens or students across different crowdsensing vendors. This way the Urban Data Mission platform opens the citizen science market and unites the best aspects of different devices, while also giving access to open data from the cities.
Smart Room booking
Seamless room booking suited to your work needs by Aarhus University/ BTech

The challenge
In any business meeting, lecture and project there is a need for booking a room in advance to avoid last minute stress and interruption.
Usually, resources are booked by email with an integrated room booking system. However, there are flaws in some scenarios, that leads to loss of resources, productivity, time and attention. Sometimes rooms that are featured as booked, are in reality vacant. In order to see the actual availability status of a room, you need to open doors to inspect for yourself and then request a booking cancellation.
To do this better, we have created a “smart booking” for the future smart university campus, using real time insights and data context to generate an accurate room status making timely on demand actions possible.
IoTCrawler can be a means to providing optimized management of infrastructure and meeting custom student requirements.
Building admins, students, security personel, teachers & large corporations.
The Solution
Smart Room Booking consists of a mobile app frontend and a dynamic dashboard. It solves the issues by leveraging IoTCrawler components like Orchestrator to search room-associated metadata – specific sensors for specific information.
Context and MDR query the data context such as temperature, humidity value or motion detection in real time. This MVP utilizes the SmartConnect tool to search and integrate sensors feeds with the IoTCrawler ecosystem.
Business Potential
The solution can be applied to smart campus building systems across the globe.
Flexibility discovery for small assets in low voltage grids
A Smart Energy use case by Siemens

The Challenge
The increasing number of new prosumers like photovoltaics, battery energy storage systems, heat pumps or electric vehicle chargers will put significant stress on the power systems in the near future. However, the flexibility potential of these assets can be utilized to contribute to grid stability.
Asset owners, device vendors, aggregators, solution providers, flexibility customers (e.g., BRP).
The Solution
These micro flexibilities can be made accessible by an aggregator and provided to customers in a cumulated and tailored way. A flexibility aggregator can use the semantic search interface of IoTCrawler to receive an image of the available flexible assets in a distinct geographic area and provide an offer to a flexibility customer (e.g., a balance responsible party (BRP)). After that, the demanded amount of micro flexibilities is activated and the performance of each asset is monitored. The gained feedback is stored and regarded by the IoTCrawler’s rating systems during future selection processes.
Business potential
SIEMENS can take up this approach and hereby extend its product portfolio.
Machine monitoring
IoT for Smart Industries by Digital Worxx

The Challenge
The machine monitoring MVP facilitates status of machines on search parameters such as sensor type & value, machine up time, production, down time etc.
Actors in an industrial plant e.g. production manager, maintenance engineer, machine operator.
Search and Identify process data in an industrial plant. It utilizes core components such as MDR, orchestrator, indexing, and ranking. Optimization, maintenance and remote monitoring for industrial machines.
The packaging machines send data such as types of sensors, position, current status etc. to the orchestrator with the help of IoT Controller which is then stored in the MDR. Thereafter the data is crawled, indexed, enriched and ranked. The end user can access it by machine MVP.
Elderly care
A health care use case by University of Surrey

The Challenge
Smart Elderly Care enables the monitoring of senior citizen health to support timely intervention and improve quality of life.
It caters to clinicians, carers, and telecare services.
The Solution
We are showcasing a healthcare platform that discovers and integrates health-related sensors in a home in order to save integration costs and to provide data that can be analyzed to give a status of the well-being of an elderly person with dementia.
IoTCrawler provides common infrastructure to integrate and access data from various smart home sensors in a secure and privacy aware mode that were integrated, allowing to better utilization of time, life and equipment to improve quality of life of people to have more independent and healthy life, and respect their privacy.
The solution is built on the MDR, Semantic Enrichment, Indexing/Ranking, Orchestrator and security modules.
Business potential
Service provision for healthcare and social care services.