D8.3 – Final Report on Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardisation Activities

D8.3 – Final Report on Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardisation Activities

D7.4 – Show Cases for Future Business Development

D7.4 – Show Cases for Future Business Development

Next Generation Industrial IoT Digitalization for Traceability in Metal Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study of Industry 4.0

Next Generation Industrial IoT Digitalization for Traceability in Metal Manufacturing Industry: A Case Study of Industry 4.0

CIoTVID: Towards an Open IoT-Platform for InfectivePandemic Diseases such as COVID-19

CIoTVID: Towards an Open IoT-Platform for InfectivePandemic Diseases such as COVID-19

Eco-Efficient Mobility in Smart City Scenarios

Eco-Efficient Mobility in Smart City Scenarios

D7.2 – Prototypes for End-User evaluation

D7.2 – Prototypes for End-User evaluation

IoTCrawler: Challenges and Solutions for Searching the Internet of Things

IoTCrawler: Challenges and Solutions for Searching the Internet of Things

Domain Agnostic Quality of Information Metrics in IoT-Based Smart Environments

Domain Agnostic Quality of Information Metrics in IoT-Based Smart Environments

D3.2 Secure IoT Information Access and Privacy Preservation

D3.2 Secure IoT Information Access and Privacy Preservation

Enabling Context-Aware Search using Extracted Insights from IoT Data Streams

Enabling Context-Aware Search using Extracted Insights from IoT Data Streams

D5.3 – Monitoring and Fault Recovery in Highly Dynamic IoT Environments

D5.3 – Monitoring and Fault Recovery in Highly Dynamic IoT Environments

Enhancing Extensive and Remote LoRa Deployments through MEC-Powered Drone Gateways

Enhancing Extensive and Remote LoRa Deployments through MEC-Powered Drone Gateways

D6.4 IoTCrawler Framework and Tools

D6.4 IoTCrawler Framework and Tools

Quality of Information for IoT-Frameworks

Quality of Information for IoT-Frameworks

TinyML-Enabled Frugal Smart Objects – Challenges and Opportunities

TinyML-Enabled Frugal Smart Objects – Challenges and Opportunities

D5.2 Enablers for Machine Initiated Semantic IoT Search

D5.2 Enablers for Machine Initiated Semantic IoT Search

Virtual Sensor Creation to Replace Faulty Sensors Using Automated Machine Learning Techniques

Virtual Sensor Creation to Replace Faulty Sensors Using Automated Machine Learning Techniques

Performance Analysis of Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 Blockchain Platform

Performance Analysis of Hyperledger Fabric 2.0 Blockchain Platform

Controlled Functional Encryption Revisited: Multi-Authority Extensions and Efficient Schemes for Quadratic Functions

Controlled Functional Encryption Revisited: Multi-Authority Extensions and Efficient Schemes for Quadratic Functions

On the Security of Randomized Defenses Against Adversarial Samples

On the Security of Randomized Defenses Against Adversarial Samples

Missing Data Imputation with Bayesian Maximum Entropy for Internet of Things Applications

Missing Data Imputation with Bayesian Maximum Entropy for Internet of Things Applications

A hybrid neuro-fuzzy inference system-based algorithm for time series forecasting applied to energy consumption prediction

A hybrid neuro-fuzzy inference system-based algorithm for time series forecasting applied to energy consumption prediction

Impact of SCHC Compression and Fragmentation in LPWAN A Case Study with LoRaWAN

Impact of SCHC Compression and Fragmentation in LPWAN A Case Study with LoRaWAN

D6.3 Benchmarking and Testing Environment

D6.3 Benchmarking and Testing Environment

D8.2 Public Workshop

D8.2 Public Workshop

D4.3 Adaptive, Secure Publication and Subscription in Highly Dynamic IoT Environments

D4.3 Adaptive, Secure Publication and Subscription in Highly Dynamic IoT Environments

IoT-Stream: A Lightweight Ontology for Internet of Things Data Streams and Its Use with Data Analytics and Event Detection Service

IoT-Stream: A Lightweight Ontology for Internet of Things Data Streams and Its Use with Data Analytics and Event Detection Service

Lightweight Data-Security Ontology for IoT

Lightweight Data-Security Ontology for IoT

MEC-assisted End-to-end 5G-Slicing for IoT

MEC-assisted End-to-end 5G-Slicing for IoT

Towards improving the Privacy in the MQTT Protocol

Towards improving the Privacy in the MQTT Protocol

DoubleEcho: Mitigating Context-Manipulation Attacks in Copresence Verification

DoubleEcho: Mitigating Context-Manipulation Attacks in Copresence Verification

Runtime Verification over Out-of-order Streams

Runtime Verification over Out-of-order Streams

A methodology for energy multivariate time series forecasting in smart buildings based on feature

A methodology for energy multivariate time series forecasting in smart buildings based on feature

IoT for Water Management: Towards Intelligent Anomaly Detection

IoT for Water Management: Towards Intelligent Anomaly Detection

Segment Parameter Labelling in MCMC Mean-shift Change Detection

Segment Parameter Labelling in MCMC Mean-shift Change Detection

Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Smart City Data

Spatio-Temporal Analysis for Smart City Data

Lagrangian-based Pattern Extraction for Edge Computing in the Internet of Things

Lagrangian-based Pattern Extraction for Edge Computing in the Internet of Things

IoT-Stream: A Lightweight Ontology for Internet of Things Data Streams

IoT-Stream: A Lightweight Ontology for Internet of Things Data Streams

Continual Learning in Deep Neural Network by Using a Kalman Optimiser

Continual Learning in Deep Neural Network by Using a Kalman Optimiser

On the Impact of Voice Encoding and Transmission on the Predictions of Speaker Warmth and Attractiveness

On the Impact of Voice Encoding and Transmission on the Predictions of Speaker Warmth and Attractiveness

An Online Adaptive Algorithm for Change Detection in Streaming Sensory Data

An Online Adaptive Algorithm for Change Detection in Streaming Sensory Data

Quality-based and Energy-efficient Data Communication for the Internet of Things Networks

Quality-based and Energy-efficient Data Communication for the Internet of Things Networks

D6.2 – Intermediate Integrated IoTCrawler Framework and Tools

D6.2 – Intermediate Integrated IoTCrawler Framework and Tools

D4.2 Large Scale IoT Crawling, Indexing and Ranking

D4.2 Large Scale IoT Crawling, Indexing and Ranking

D8.1 Intermediate Report on Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardisation Activities

D8.1 Intermediate Report on Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardisation Activities

D7.1 Portfolio of Use-case Concepts

D7.1 Portfolio of Use-case Concepts

IoTCrawler: Browsing the Internet of Things

IoTCrawler: Browsing the Internet of Things

IoT European Security and Privacy Projects: Integration, Architectures and Interoperability

IoT European Security and Privacy Projects: Integration, Architectures and Interoperability

D2.2 Security and Privacy- aware IoTCrawler Framework

D2.2 Security and Privacy- aware IoTCrawler Framework

Towards an Ontology for IoT Context-Based Security Evaluation

Towards an Ontology for IoT Context-Based Security Evaluation

Towards Secure and Decentralized Sharing of IoT Data

Towards Secure and Decentralized Sharing of IoT Data

Internet of Things for a sustainable food-packaging ecosystem insights from a business perspective

Internet of Things for a sustainable food-packaging ecosystem insights from a business perspective

D6.1 Intermediate Version of IoTCrawler Benchmarking and Testing Environment

D6.1 Intermediate Version of IoTCrawler Benchmarking and Testing Environment

D5.1 Enablers for Sensing and Understanding IoT Context

D5.1 Enablers for Sensing and Understanding IoT Context

D4.1 Large Scale IoT Crawling, Indexing and Ranking

D4.1 Large Scale IoT Crawling, Indexing and Ranking

D3.1 Enablers for IoT Security and Privacy Baseline

D3.1 Enablers for IoT Security and Privacy Baseline

D2.1 Requirements and Design Templates for IoT Crawling

D2.1 Requirements and Design Templates for IoT Crawling

Performance Study of LoRaWAN for Smart-City IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum 2019Applications

Performance Study of LoRaWAN for Smart-City IEEE 2nd 5G World Forum 2019Applications

Chapter 1: Searching for the IoT Resources: Requirements and Outlook

Chapter 1: Searching for the IoT Resources: Requirements and Outlook

Smart Home Crawler: Towards a framework for semi-automatic IoT sensor integration

Smart Home Crawler: Towards a framework for semi-automatic IoT sensor integration

LPWAN-Based Vehicular Monitoring Platform with a Generic IP Network Interface

LPWAN-Based Vehicular Monitoring Platform with a Generic IP Network Interface

Overview of Device Access Control in the IoT and its Challenges

Overview of Device Access Control in the IoT and its Challenges

Observing the Pulse of a City: A Smart City Framework for Real-time Discovery, Federation, and Aggregation of Data Streams

Observing the Pulse of a City: A Smart City Framework for Real-time Discovery, Federation, and Aggregation of Data Streams

Offloading Positioning onto Network Edge

Offloading Positioning onto Network Edge

Valid. IoT: A Framework for Sensor Data Quality analysis and interpolation

Valid. IoT: A Framework for Sensor Data Quality analysis and interpolation

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