by iotadmin | May 5, 2021
D8.3 – Final Report on Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardisation Activities The goal of this deliverable is to provide a detailed account of the dissemination, standardisation, and exploitation efforts in the project’s final 21 months. Deliverable...
by iotadmin | May 5, 2021
D7.4 – Show Cases for Future Business Development This deliverable describes the project’s final event called “IoTCrawler – The Innovations and Solutions of IoT Search”, which was the demonstrator of IoTCrawler’s show cases for future business development. The...
by iotadmin | Mar 12, 2021
D7.2 – Prototypes for End-User evaluation This deliverable concludes task T7.2 “Development of prototypes MVP”. The objective of this task is to develop functional prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) for at least 5 scenarios defined in the outcome of...
by iotadmin | Feb 3, 2021
D3.2 Secure IoT Information Access and Privacy Preservation Download deliverable (PDF) Internet of Things (IoT); a system of interconnected devices, equipped with a variety of sensors that are capable of sensing, transmitting and receiving data over the Internet; is...
by iotadmin | Dec 20, 2020
D5.3 – Monitoring and Fault Recovery in Highly Dynamic IoT Environments Monitoring of IoT sensors measuring different phenomena in different contexts is a crucial task especially in large IoT environments to ensure uninterrupted operations of the systems that...