Valid. IoT: A Framework for Sensor Data Quality analysis and interpolation

by | Jun 14, 2018 | 0 comments

(From the abstract)

Heterogeneous sensor device networks with diverse maintainers and information collected via social media as well as crowdsourcing tend to be elements of uncertainty in IoT and Smart City networks.
Often, there is no ground truth available that can be used to check the plausibility and concordance of the new information. This paper proposes the Valid.IoT Framework as an attachable IoT framework component that can be linked to generate QoI vectors and Interpolated sensory data with plausibility and quality estimations to a variety of platforms. The framework utilises extended infrastructure knowledge and infrastructure-aware interpolation algorithms to validate crowdsourced and device generated sensor information through sensor fusion.

Publication for MMSys’18, June 12th –15 th 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Thorben Iggena, Marten Fischer, Ralf Tönjes and Elke Pulvermüller

University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück and

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