D8.2 Public Workshop
This document summarizes the work conducted in T8.1 Dissemination and Exploitation focus on the organisation of a series of events for increasing the impact of the IoTCrawler project. Concretely, These events have been three workshops at international events, with different perspectives and treated topics, with the purpose of increasing the project awareness at a big scale among a variety of stakeholders: Industry professionals, academic institutions, domain practitioners – the essential IoT practitioners.
We provide a detailed description of the organised workshops, as well as the achieved impact through their integration within two first class IoT-related events. Two of the workshops were achieved under the umbrella of the IoT Week, the major event of 2019 was organized by IoT Forum and it-forum as the local host, and brought together more than 360 speakers from the worlds of research, industry, business, technology and science. The third workshop was differently scoped. It was located within the IEEE Global IoT Summit 2019 (GIoTS’19), and focused on key, critical IoT innovations that have the potential of affecting, or even transforming future research and real-world applications.
This document presents the integration of the organised workshops within the major events’ agendas as well as detailed information detailed the workshops activities: speakers, contributions, etc.
“The great level of participation from external stakeholders in the three events organized has provided us with opportunities to expand the collaboration lines of the project as well as to expand the awareness of IoTCrawler among technical and general audiences.”