D8.1 Intermediate Report on Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardisation Activities

by | Aug 5, 2019 | 0 comments

This deliverable summarises:
1) The work of Task T8.1 in which the plan and activities on
Dissemination, Exploitation and Standardisation until [M18] have been performed with regards to project outputs. Including updated status of web site, scientific publications in high-quality journals and influential and high impact conferences, talks at industry events, public talks for citizen-awareness, the provision of online resources, training material and the demonstration of the use-cases [Obj. 8.1].
2) The initial exploitation plans per partner and business model analysis for the
initial developed scenario (see appendix).
3) Documentation of the
prepared informational material to influence standardisation via the involved bodies of the partner organisations until project Month18.

“This deliverable  provide a summary of the dissemination, standardisation, exploit-ation and communic-ation efforts in the projects’ first year and a half. It ends with a short analysis on the efforts, completed by a list of internal recommend-ations and guidelines for the remaining year and half of the project.”

Michail Beliatis

Aarhus University

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