D7.2 – Prototypes for End-User evaluation

by | Mar 12, 2021 | 0 comments

This deliverable concludes task T7.2 “Development of prototypes MVP”. The objective of this task is to develop functional prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs) for at least 5 scenarios defined in the outcome of task T7.1. These prototypes are required to be functional enough so that they can be exposed to end-users for evaluation of the user experience and the potential business models they are unlocking. This deliverable presents 6 MVPs developed for use-cases in 5 domains as defined in D7.1: Smart City, Smart Home, Smart Energy, Industry 4.0 and Social IoT. MVPs are implemented as standalone applications on top of the IoTCrawler platform and deployable in cloud or on a premise hardware. Each of the MVPs have a clearly defined use-case specific KPIs as well as KPI evaluation results. All MVPs are ready for demonstration and user experience evaluation.

The document is organized as follows: the following 6 sections describe each of the MVPs in detail: use-case specifics, architecture, deployment, technical KPIs and their evaluation. In section 8, we describe how a Kubernetes Cluster was used for deployment. The deployment procedure is similar to the one used for the IoTCrawler core components. In section 9 we describe best practices showing how to use the core IoTCrawler components in the MVPs. These themselves components have been developed in WP6.

The goal of task T7.2 is to develop a set of technical prototypes (called Minimum Viable Products, or MVPs for short). The idea of the MVP is to create of a basic version of technology that can be usable and
understandable by target users.

Pavel Smirnov

AGT International

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