D7.1 Portfolio of Use-case Concepts
In workpackage 7 we move beyond technical demonstration and into creating prototypes that can also showcase how an IoT search engine can create value in the domains we are addressing in the IoTCrawler project.
Seven testbeds have been identifying challenges and opportunities in their respective domains through a user–centric process, where external stakeholders and end–users have been engaged to create meaningful concepts. A baseline of design methods was created and adapted to the individual testbeds.
This deliverable is a portfolio of the concepts that have come out of this process, which is presented through visual scenarios and mock–ups with details about the challenges and opportunities being addressed. At least 5 of the presented concepts will be developed into real hands–on prototypes in task 7.2 in workpackage 7.
The portfolio of use-cases have the desired width and a high degree of realism. It is the first important step towards discussing exploitation- and business plans.