D6.3 Benchmarking and Testing Environment

by | Mar 17, 2020 | 0 comments

This deliverable resumes the work carried out during the Task 6.3 Benchmarking and Testing Environment. This task, as its name reads, has the objective of providing an environment for benchmarking and testing that guarantees the quality of the development and operation of each of the enablers of the IoTCrawler framework, and therefore, as a whole platform too.

In the first section we explain this benchmarking and testing environment, which is based on Gitlab CI/CD pipelines and tools. They allow developers to define the specific tasks and runs that must be performed in order to validate the source code of the different components. Additionally, thanks to GitLab AutoDevops we can automatically detect any flaw, not only at the compiling phase but also for testing and deploying them.

In addition, this deliverable also considers the evaluation of the IoTCrawler enablers, which resumes the work already presented in deliverable D6.1 [1], where we identified a set of KPIs associated to each enabler. In this deliverable we dedicate a section to evaluate each of the enablers by providing performance results associated to these KPIs.

Finally, in order to perform a validation of the IoTCrawler platform, we have selected the most advanced MVPs: smart connect, smart parking and room booking to identify the different interactions between enablers. They have been also used so as to define different KPIs from the point of view of the MVP, but also from the whole IoTCrawler platform perspective.

Guaranteeing the quality of  the IoTCrawler enablers is a fundamental aspect that must be addressed in order to verify the quality of the whole platform.
D6.3 resumes the work on the environment started in D6.1

Juan Antonio Martinez

OdinS Solutions

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