D4.3 Adaptive, Secure Publication and Subscription in Highly Dynamic IoT Environments

by | Mar 3, 2020 | 0 comments

This deliverable summarises the work of Task T4.4.
The goal of this task was to create adaptive and secure publication and subscription methods that provide mechanisms to include high-level metadata about IoT resources and integrate dynamic information about their QoS and QoI attributes.
Furthermore, this deliverable describes the underlying broker infrastructure that has been used to implement the pub/sub method, as well as the required security and privacy mechanisms in place.

The data enrichment process, which involves different data analysis methods to derived high-level descriptions and QoI information for the IoT resources, is also included.

The extended pub/sub interface is presented, which also considers cases when public end points are not available.

“D4.3 provides details of enablers for ensuring security, trust and privacy of the entire IoTCrawler framework from collecting to processing and sharing the IoT data. The document details the publish/subscribe interface, which supports subscriptions to IoT streams, observations and high-level events. The default interface is based on public endpoints. In addition, we have developed a solution for scenarios in which public endpoints aren’t possible.

Valentinas Janeiko

University of Surrey

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