D4.2 Large Scale IoT Crawling, Indexing and Ranking

by | Aug 10, 2019 | 0 comments

This deliverable summarises the work of Tasks T4.2 and T4.3.
The goal of these two tasks was to develop crawling and indexing mechanisms to support the discovery and search of IoT devices, services and data, as well as ranking methods for the selection of IoT resources. Different crawling strategies are presented, in order to cover a wide range of underlying IoT domains.

An indexing mechanism, covering various aspects of IoT resources (e.g. location, thematic, time) is presented to support the semantic search (WP5). The multicriteria ranking strategy allows applications to define their preferable ranking criteria, in order to aid the selection process.


This document details the work carried out in these tasks. Moreover, early implementations and demonstrations are presented.

Josiane Parreira


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