The last year have seen it’s amount of webinars and online conferences, and where we have gained new appreciation for their charm (your microphone is turned off, miss…) there are many things we need to do to make messages transcend despite the distance, like in those dreamy times without social distance. Here are a few important measures we will apply to the webinar on March 24th.

1 – Provide an appealing space for presenting
Start by thinking: “What would be a different way of doing this?” The idea of a different space made us open to other ways of presenting the innovations we have ready. Our home offices have their charm. We are grateful to welcome our presenters from their home offices. And for a while they were the only way to go. Now however, with restrictions loosening, for that touch of “real” we look into streaming from other locations. We have been fortunate to get permission to stream from DOKK1 the library in Aarhus (our original choice for a physical meeting) and from digital worx in Stuttgart. A change of scenery give our hosts the much needed professional setting that we miss, and more importantly, presenting requires a state of mind which is sometimes difficult to find at home. We also keep in mind the benefits of proper lighting, access to sound equipment and appropriate furniture, which we might not otherwise have.

"We present to you the hosts of our webinar"

"We present to you the hosts of our webinar"

"We present to you the hosts of our webinar"

2 – Use cases and practical application matter more than ever
The formats of online conferences are still somewhat constraining no matter how well prepared we are. We abide to simple rules such as limiting the time for the event, making an effort to state our intentions with the webinar before you, but most importantly we attempt to focus on something concrete and accessible and stay clear of getting too abstract.
Our webinar in this project will focus on a handful of use cases of the IoT search engine, on the benefits we gain by using it and less on the technical solution in itself.
For that kind of granularity we have separate Q&A session. The use cases cover a thoughtful display of domains where IoT matter a great deal, and for a sneak peak check out the use cases.

Mirko Ross is a member of the Internet Of Things Council, a global think tank, he is a well-practiced international speaker and coach in the field of Open Innovation, Internet of Things, IoT Security and disruptive business modeling.

Mikro Ross Co-founder and CEO of digital worx

3 – Envision technical issues up front and act accordingly
Besides our knowledgable partners in the project, who will be presenting their use cases, we have called on some helping hands to make sure that everything is running smoothly on the technical side. Ralf in Stuttgart and Dennis in Aarhus will make sure to keep the hosts connected with you and vice versa, and cleverly a link is now provided so you as participant can jump in and listen on whenever you want.
And finally, as something completely new we have special guest providing creative, musical input as a gift to our participants.

We are looking forward to seeing you March 24th
Other than that we have to our best efforts put together a program which we believe will present important innovations made in the project. Within the next few days we’ll introduce more of our speakers. So stay tuned.

Marianne Krogbæk has more than 10 years of experience in design and project management of projects funded by H2020, Creative Europe and Global Libraries. Marianne is an experienced presenter in the field of Human Centered Design and public sector innovation.

Name Goes Here

Marianne Krogbæk, Deigner and innovation consultant, City of Aarhus

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