Two other EU projects were involved in the webinar “Going Public” which the IoTCrawler project co-presented. SOFIE and NGIoT. Read about the insights here and revisit the talk.

Going Public with IoT gamechangers

Both SOFIE and IoTCrawler are in the situation of being ready to present some siginificant advances to the IoT community and providing access to it for other who wish to use it. Those advances are what we presented on July 3rd.

The SOFIE project is well worth looking into. SOFIE (Secure Open Federation for Internet Everywhere) has developed a secure and open federation concept and software framework for the fast-growing Internet of Things (IoT) area, taking advantage of blockchains and interledger approaches.

Watch webinars from NGIoT

You can watch or rewatch our webinar with NGIoT, who have the expressed goal of building the roadmap of the next generation of Internet of Things and of course providing network for those who are on the map.

Webinars gain more interest

We have had the pleasure of entering webinars arranged by others (Asvin and now NGIoT) proving that teaming up is an advantage when it comes to gathering an audience. We have asked ourselves whether webinars work.
Statistics provided by GoTo show that the average viewing time is 61 minutes so it’s something we will continue looking into and that 29% of all webinars are on technology leaves us in a good place

Due to the Covid-19 it is in some respects the best option for reaching out and receiving insights from our peers.

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