At the Focus on Open Science Workshop “Focus on FAIR” in Graz, Austria, The IoTCrawler was representend by Josiane Parreira from Siemens. In a panel debate she argued how the development of the IoTCrawler will enable data from the industry to be FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable).


The aim of the “Focus on Open Science Workshop” in Graz

FAIR data and the European Open Science Cloud are two crucial building blocks for the future of collaborative, data-driven research. Much work is currently ongoing to turn these high-level principles and concepts into reality: as concrete infrastructure, standards and practices. A year since the signing of the Declaration and the launch of the EOSC in Vienna (, Graz University of Technology invites researchers and research support staff to meet and discuss future priorities for EOSC and FAIR data at the international, national and regional levels. Through expert presentations and interactive sessions, it will advance discussion on these topics, whilst also providing an accessible introduction to these topics for newcomers.
The Workshop was a full-day event, covering all aspects of FAIR data and regional, national and international EOSC-relevant initiatives, including links to industry. This Focus on Open Science event was organized by the Graz University of Technology (Digital TU Graz project) in collaboration with Scientific Knowledge Services, UCL Press, and LIBER (The European Association of Research Libraries)


The panel debate and relevance of IoTCrawler

The panel debate focused on the question “How Fair are data in industry?” FAIR being Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, included speakers from Technical University Graz, Knowcenter, AVL, NXP and Siemens. The IoTCrawler was used as an example of how to enable IoT discoverability in the industry, not to mention making it secure and decipherable.

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